Katsuki Yuuri and I

"He never fails to surprise me. Ever since I first saw his skating, it's been an unending chain of surprises." - Katsuki Yuuri

Yuuri's bedroom.

I believe a lot of people grow up discovering someone who inspires them to take up a certain hobby or career. It could be a parent, friend, or a public figure and idol. In my case it was an idol - a Japanese cosplayer named Reika. Her work made such an impression on me that I took up sewing again in college after believing I wouldn't find a reason to sew again. And just like any person who is a fan of an idol, I began collecting a lot of art and books on my Reika. We've all done it: be it basketball players, boy bands, singers, and so on. If you ask my close friends, they will tell you that when you enter my room, I have framed posters and photos of Reika mixed in with the artwork and anime posters I have collected over the years up on my walls. Sounds familiar right? With every costume she made, I was more in awe of her skills. That, in turn, kept making me want to push myself to get better, even if it was just a little at a time.

What does this have to do with Yuri!!! On Ice and my reasons for cosplaying Katsuki Yuuri? Well, besides both our rooms having a major dedication to our favorite person; a lot actually. I loved that this anime starts in the middle of Yuuri's career. He isn't a high school student, but in his 20s, just finishing college. This made it easy for me to relate with him because I am also in my 20s and started cosplaying in 2013. Yuuri got into ice skating as a child, but when he saw Viktor performing in the Junior Championship he become more inspired and determined. Watching this Russian skater encouraged Yuuri to take up skating because he wanted to be able to be as good as or better than Viktor. I, instantly, felt the same way. I wanted to improve my cosplaying any way possible so that maybe, one day, I could do a professional photo shoot with Reika. (I'm still dreaming about that.) Yuuri was in the middle of his career, close to making his dream. However, due to unfortunate events like stress, his family dog passing away, and weight gain, he messed up big time. We all have those moments. Yuuri knew he had screwed up. The scene where Viktor is offering a photo with Yuuri and he walks away is heart-wrenching because I knew I would do the same. If I ever made a flop that bad, I wouldn't be able to smile and take a photo with my idol. It is how I am. By the end of the first episode, Viktor shows up in Japan telling Yuuri that he will be his coach and, throughout the series, you see that Viktor wants Yuuri to know he is a lot more talented and has more potential than he believes.

Viktor shattering Yuuri's heart before the Free Skate.

It was so easy for me to put myself in Yuuri's shoes as I watched this anime. We both doubt our skills, become over worried about how our actions will affect others, and fear how people will see us. I really got emotional during certain scenes because I was picturing myself as Yuuri and Viktor as Reika. For an original anime, it drew me in so deeply and emotionally that I saw the passion and love the creator, Mitsurō Kubo, has for skating and her characters. I just could not wait for the next episode each week. Plus, who doesn't wish for their idol to show up one day saying they will coach you??? By the 3rd or 4th episode, I knew I wanted to cosplay Yuuri. It was not a hard decision what so ever. I even joked with a friend saying "It'd be really amazing if Reika decided to cosplay Viktor." Well, a surprise came to me the next morning when I woke up to a status update from Reika of her getting supplies for her Viktor cosplay. I think I spammed my friends' phones with the news and ended up buying fabric for all my Yuuri cosplays ahead of schedule.

Training outfit.

First of the Yuuri outfits I worked on was his training outfit; which did not take me long to make. This outfit includes the black and blue pants, the navy long-sleeve shirt, and the black Mizuno jacket. I made the shirt and pants in the same day. The shirt is made out of a navy knit with white piping. The pants were made out of a blue and black lounge wear or jogging fabric. The jacket took me a few days to make because I started off by designing a pattern for it using felt as my template. I took a lot of screen shots from the anime and looked through hundreds of photos of Yuzuru Hanyu, a Japanese skater, to find every view of the jacket. It took a few hours just to find a decent view of the back. I used the same black fabric as the pants with blue piping that matched well. I was lucky that one of my friends knew someone in college that had a fab lab they could use, since I don't own an embroidery machine. I was able to pay them to make the patches and logos for the outfit. I use this outfit a lot outside of cosplay as well, especially since I took up ice skating to help relieve my stress.

Free Skate outfit.

The next outfit I worked on was Yuuri's Free Skate outfit. I really loved this outfit because of how elegant it looked along with the beautiful back design. This was, by far, the most emotional cosplay for me because I messed up a lot while making it. All but the lining of the suit jacket is made out of knit fabrics. As I started to work on it, I realized halfway through that the suit jacket was a size too big on me. Really distressed me because I hadn’t been able to tell it was too big until I sewed in the lining. I had to take in at least two inches on the sides to get it to look right. Still not very happy with how it came out. Maybe I will redo it one day. Other than the sewing issue, the time consuming part was putting on the rhinestones. I used a mix of iron and glue-on rhinestones, but with a large area to cover, I had to do a little at a time. In the end, this cosplay took me about a month to make with all the issues and rhinestones. Also, by this time, I had gotten the wig meant for the skating competition cosplays and was having a hard time styling it. I ended up restyling the wig so many times that I was going nuts. Luckily, two friends lent a hand and took some time to see what they could do to help. Though, being a perfectionist, I still keep wondering if there are other ways to improve it.

I wasn't really happy with these shoes in this photo during of my first test wear, I got better ones a week later..

Yuuri and Viktor's Gala performance.

The last project I made for my Yuuri collection was the Gala Performance outfit. The ending of the anime took my breath away because seeing Yuuri skate with Viktor was just beautiful. After all, I think anyone wishes to be on the same level of the person they respect and idolize. I am no exception to that as I mentioned how much I wish to do a pro photo shoot with Reika. I knew she was going to Anime Matsuri 2017 (AM), so I decided to create the Gala outfit to take. I started this right after the anime ended. I could not find any blue ombre chiffon fabric in the US, so I asked my friends in Indonesia to look in their country for me. As luck would have it, my friend Miho found the perfect fabric and sent it to me as a gift. It is a beautiful fabric that has a nice shimmer to it; perfect for an ice skater. ^_^ I started with the black button-up shirt, using a knit like suiting fabric that would be very form fitting. It only took me a day to make but I ended up doing some alterations to make it more form fitting. I decided to use the same pants from the Free Skate outfit for the Gala. When I got to the chiffon overlay shirt, I started by making a pattern for it out of felt. Once that was done and I cut out my chiffon pieces, I used my serger to do rolled hems on the edges that wouldn't be sewn on. Using the same fabric as the shirt to do the cuffs and cuff straps, I used a shiny satin fabric for the front design. To hide the raw edges on the front design, I bordered it with a black trim.

The Velcro that I added to the Gala outfit.

I ran into two issues while making this outfit. One, it was the first time doing rolled hems and I forgot that they don't work with corners very well. I should have designed the back into three sections so that where the two tails meet would look sharper. It doesn't bother me much, and I know now what to do if I need to make another outfit like this; or need to remake the top due to wearing out. I also was able to put a close edge stitching, recently, to give it the look as if it was sewn in three parts and make the corner sharper. The second was the cording. At the time of the anime, I could not decide on gold or silver. For me, the lighting for this performance was weird and it was hard to tell which color it was. In the end, I went with gold to match Reika for AM. However, when I started to work with the cording I realized I was a yard short. When I went to go buy more, I found out that the company redesigned the cording and it was a different texture and color from what I had used. I had to redo all of the cording. By this time, it was confirmed it was silver cording in the anime. As I waited for the new cording to come in, I came up with an idea to make all the cording sections (the front bits and the shoulder pieces), go on with Velcro. This would make it easier to put the shirt on and I could do a set of silver cording to switch out for later events and photos. In addition to the delay, I had to add all the rhinestones. I used three or four different sizes. It was a long process because I had to glue them all on, which took a few days since I ran out of rhinestones just as I was close to finishing. I also had to put paper under the chiffon so that I wouldn't glue the shirt to my carpet. In the end, it came out wonderful even with the small fault in the back design. I just love how elegant it looks on me. I am excited to make the silver set of cording for it now as well. This is, by far, my second favorite cosplay I made; the first being Noiz from Dramatical Murder.

I am still not done making cosplays for Yuuri. I plan to make his Short Program outfit, Eros, which I already bought fabric for. Then, there is season two of the anime coming out later this year which, I am sure, means new outfits to make. I might not get Reika as my cosplay coach, but I will keep pushing myself to make better cosplays. Also, something fun happened at Anime Matsuri with Reika, but you will have to read my Anime Matsuri 2017 blog to find out what. ^_^ 

"There's a place you just can't reach unless you have a dream too large to bear alone. We call everything on the ice 'love'." - Katsuki Yuuri


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