Anime Matsuri 2016
My long awaited return to Anime Matsuri (AM) came and went so quickly. I miss it so much and once again I have a lot to say about Anime Matsuri. I had no trouble getting there this year and that is always good. I had 5 new roommates: Marley , Dulce , Ryan , Samantha , and Kathryn . Sam and Kat, had horrible car trouble just five minutes from the hotel. Luckily, they were able to get the car fixed and still enjoy their time at AM. This year at AM was sharing my love for Reika and Kaname with my roommates and showing them how cool the guest stars are besides just walking around. By Day 2 of the convention, I think I succeeded *evil laughter* Day 0: Thursday Akira and I Landed in Houston at 1pm, which was perfect timing to attend the Meet and Greet with Akira at the shop Alice in Wonderland in China Town. Marley enjoyed looking at the highly expensive lolita clothing and made sure I didn’t spend all my money there lol. I also got to say hi to one of my roommates from last...